Must rest brain…

The recording session for “Ex-Mas Eve”, the Romantic Comedy,  is pushed back to the next available Saturday.  In the meantime, really focusing on making sure everything is in order with music preparation in the Orchestral score and for the individual players.  Copying in the music notation program is a very focused effort for the eyes and brain. Silly mistakes can and do occur – for me anyway!  Parts extraction (sounds like surgery) is quite a process and can uncover oversights that were not caught on the conductors score.

“Animal Control” is now fully edited and ready to roll with music!  Both projects in the last stages.  Very exciting and glad to move towards the next venture, very soon…and catching up on other things that have been set aside for a bit.

And now…recovery time for the brain is in order!  Another push tomorrow – home stretch and a slight reprieve!